La Formation
Le parcours de Nadia Beugré s’est construit autour de rencontres, rencontre avec Béatrice Kombé à Abidjan, rencontre bien des années plus tard avec Alain Buffard en France…
Des rencontres et des mots, des rêves et des bouts de routes partagés…
« La danse m’a tendu un peu de lumière, dit souvent Nadia, en retour je tends la main pour essayer d’ouvrir des chemins. » Ouvrir des chemins en donnant des outils, en créant des possibilités, en indiquant des directions.
Le partage et la transmission irriguent toute l’action Libr’Arts à Montpellier, à Abidjan et au-delà…
Les échoué.e.s
en direction des jeunes du quartier de Figuerolles à Montpellier
Les ateliers 100% féminin à Abidjan
Les autres interventions
Nadia Beugré intervient régulièrement dans le cadre de stages et de master classes, auprès d’amateurs à l’occasion des tournées et auprès de publics professionnels à l’invitation d’autres structures : Espaço Alkantara à Lisbonne et ICI-CCN de Montpellier / Occitanie en 2020 ou ISAC à Bruxelles en 2021.
Les Échoué.es?
Along the Moroccan coast, 2000 kilometres of border fences separate thousands of young migrants from a common goal: Spain, the gateway to Europe.
Holed up in the hillside woods, they are on the lookout for the slightest opportunity to attempt an assault on the high barriers and barbed wire. Some will succeed in getting through to the other side, hopefully writing a new chapter... Others will be captured, "caught" by the barriers, those will become the stranded. Stranded for having tried to choose another path than the only one they were given.
In our neighbourhoods, the failed refer to those who could not or refused to follow the path that has been paved. Young people so full of dreams and possibilities are trapped by a society that has long since forgotten them.
Nadia Beugré has been living in the Figuerolles district of Montpellier for over ten years, she has set up her company there. For more than a decade, she has been observing and talking to the district’s young people, often vulnerable, sometimes lost, and who take her back to her own precarious and fragile adolescence in the Abobo district of Abidjan. Until the encounter that changed everything – with dance, with stage...
How to explore with young people the issues of exclusion: What makes us fail? What are we responsible for? Can we take control of our lives, create our lives as we would create a work of art? Finally, how can we bounce back from the unexpected and be able to seize what life offers us?
By listening to others, to the music of bodies, to space, but also to the invisible, we will learn to confront what was not foreseen or thought of and to allow ourselves to embark on different destinations and re-evaluate our own contexts...
Les Échoué.es? will focus on the participants’ stories, starting from their experiences and contexts.
By learning different performance practices (movement, text, music) through a series of workshops, followed by a creative process in Fall 2024, the participants will be given spaces and tools to express, and indeed transform, the hopes but also the difficulties and dead ends they face on a daily basis.
This distancing through the artistic process will allow them to actively reclaim their environment, their singularity and their place in their neighbourhood, their community and society.
The diversity of trajectories and backgrounds, often ignored or even disregarded, will be celebrated in the studio and on stage.
Les Échoué.es? is an educational and
creative programme aimed at Figuerolles’ young
people and beyond. Its objective is to:
Provide access to high-quality, multidisciplinary artistic education
Propose vulnerable young people opportunities to express, and thus transform, the materials and stories of everyday life, and to take action by taking a critical and constructive look at their context and situation.
Promote listening and respect for others, as well as self-confidence, as part of a group dynamic and a collective creative process.
Offer those who will take part in the creative process, opportunities to meet the performing arts scene through the participation in the production of a creative work and its dissemination in the region's professional networks, end of 2024-early 2025.
Convey positive energies around an area that is often stigmatised, in order to raise its profile and change the way it is seen and perceived.
In 2023
On 12 October
The Bal Cabanes gathered a dozen of artists from the city and a large audience on the Salengro square, in the framework of the Biennale Europe-Afrique, with support from the MM association.
Artistic coordination: Nadia Beugré, Christian Romain Kossa, Lucas Nicot
With: Sali Diabate & Kevin Meame, Kaisha Essiane, Devon Garnier & guests, Christian Romain Kossa, DJ Mecavolic & Miss Drey, Fitzgerald Nzoghé Mvéang, Baye Sangou
From October to December 2023
4 workshops were proposed:
17 October, Théâtre La Vista, led by Christian Romain Kossa
14 November, La Menuiserie / Halle Tropisme, led by Lucas Nicot
27 November, Théâtre La Vista, led by Devon Garnier
11 Décember, Théâtre La Vista, led by Devon Garnier
The 19 December workshop was cancelled due to illness.
In 2024
16 January, 18h, La Vista, led by Devon Garnier
8 - 12 July, 10h, ICI CCN de Montpellier, studio Yano, led by Nadia Beugré & Christian Kossa
30 October-1 November, 10h30, La Menuiserie / Halle Tropisme, led by Christian Kossa
24 November, 11h, La Menuiserie / Halle Tropisme, led by Nadia Beugré
Between September
and December 2024
Six to eight participants will be invited to take part in a 3-week creative process, with the support of ICI CCN de Montpellier.
The participants will be paid and will be regularly invited to performances, rehearsals, discussions and concerts, in dialogue with local partners.
The resulting 30-minute work will be presented in Montpellier and the region in late 2024, early 2025.
With support from